APUSH Thesis Point Scoring Activity #3
Would you award the point?
Assume that you have been hired by College Board to “serve as a reader” for an upcoming AP US History Exam.
Also assume that you’ve been called upon to decide which of the “attempts” appearing below should earn the Thesis Point, with each of these attempts responding to various teacher-created prompts that include the words “relative importance” and relate to the content learned in Period 7 (1890–1945).
Which of the attempts would you give the Thesis Point?
P1 — Evaluate the relative importance of different causes for African American migration from the South to the Northeast and Midwest from 1916 to 1940
Attempt #1: There were many causes for African American migration from the South to the Northeast and Midwest from 1916 to 1945: During this period, African Americans migrated from the South to the Northeast and Midwest because they wanted to escape southern laws that allowed for (1) slave-like working conditions, (2) racial segregation, and (3) racial violence. The last cause mentioned was the most important.
Attempt #2: There were many causes for African American migration from the South to the Northeast and Midwest from 1916 to 1945: During this period, African Americans migrated from the South to the Northeast and Midwest because they were pushed out of the South and pulled to the Northeast and Midwest.
Attempt #3: There were many causes for African American migration from the South to the Northeast and Midwest from 1916 to 1945: During this period, African Americans migrated from the South to the Northeast and Midwest because of factories, Jim Crow laws, and the KKK. The last cause mentioned was the most important.
P2 — Evaluate the relative importance of the different causes for US expansion beyond its continental borders from 1890 to 1910.
Attempt #1: There were many causes for US expansion beyond its continental borders from 1890 to 1910: During this period, the US expanded beyond its continental borders because it sought (1) political gain, (2) social gain, and (3) economic gain, and. The last cause mentioned was the most important.
Attempt #2: There were many causes for US expansion beyond its continental borders from 1890 to 1910: During this period, the US expanded beyond its continental borders for policial, economic, and social reasons.
Attempt #3: There were many causes for US expansion beyond its continental borders from 1890 to 1910: During this period, the US expanded beyond its continental borders for policial, economic, and social reasons.
P3 — Evaluate the relative importance of the different causes for the international migration to the U.S. from 1920 to 1946.
Attempt #1: There were many causes for the international migration to the U.S. from 1920 to 1946: During this period, international migrants came to the US because they were (1) pushed out of their home country and (2) pulled to the U.S.
Attempt #2: There were many causes for the international migration to the U.S. from 1920 to 1946: During this period, international migrants came to the US because they wanted (2) free land, (2) freedom to practice their religious beliefs, and (3) an opportunity to work in a factory. The last cause mentioned was the most important.
P4 — Evaluate the relative importance of the different causes for the American migration to urban centers from 1890 to 1945.
Attempt #1: There were many causes for the international migration to the U.S. from 1920 to 1946: During this period Americans migrated to urban centers because urban centers provided better social opportunity, better political opportunity, and better economic oppportunity. The last cause mentioned was the most important.
P5 — Evaluate the relative importance of the different causes of the US military victory in World War II.
There were many causes of the US military victory in World War II. The US won the war because it had (1) better technology, (2) better soldiers, (3) better leaders, (4) better strategy
P4 — Evaluate the relative importance of the different causes for the improvement of the socioeconomic position of women during World War II.
P5 — Evaluate the relative importance of the different causes of the Progressive Movement.
P6 — Evaluate the relative importance of the different causes of the improvement in the socioeconomic position of minorities during World War II.
P7 — Evaluate the relative importance of the different causes for the U.S. entry into World War I.
Attempt #1: There were many causes for the U.S. entry into World War I. The US entered the war because the US felt compelled to respond to (1) Germany’s sinking of cruise ships with American passengers on it, (2) Germany’s desire to spread its anti-democratic way of life to other countries in Europe, (3) Germany’s use of unrestricted submarine warfare, and (4) Germany’s attempt to get Mexico to attack the US. The last cause mentioned was the most important.
Attempt #2: There were many causes for the U.S. entry into World War I. The German sinking of boats with Americans on it, the German wanting to dominate the land of other countries, and America’s reaction to a telegram sent by Germany waning Mexico attack texas. The last cause mentioned was the most important.
P10 — Evaluate the relative importance of the effects of the Progressive Movement.
P11 — Evaluate the relative importance of the different effects of the Second Industrial Revolution.
P12 — Evaluate the relative importance of the different results of the Spanish American War.
The LEQ/DBQ Rubric
For a student to earn the Thesis Point, the thesis must make a historically defensible claim that (1) responds to the prompt and (2) establishes a line of reasoning.