Twenty APUSH SAQs relating to African Americans

Peter Paccone
4 min readFeb 5, 2022



Below twenty (20) APUSH style short answer questions relating to the history of African Americans from 1865 to 1930.

  1. Briefly explain ONE factor that pushed the Exodusters out of the South
  2. Briefly explain a SECOND factor that pushed the Exodusters out of the South
  3. Briefly explain a THIRD factor that pushed the Exodusters out of the South
  4. Briefly describe ONE promise made to African Americans by the Federal Government during Reconstruction.
  5. Briefly describe a SECOND promise made to African Americans by the Federal Government during Reconstruction.
  6. Briefly describe a THIRD promise made to African Americans by the Federal Government during Reconstruction.
  7. Briefly describe ONE way in which blacks, from 1865–1930, were denied a promise made to them by the Federal Government during Reconstruction
  8. Briefly describe a SECOND way in which blacks, from 1865–1930, were denied a promise made to them by the Federal Government during Reconstruction
  9. Briefly describe a THIRD way in which blacks, from 1865–1930, were denied a promise made to them by the Federal Government during Reconstruction
  10. Briefly explain ONE specific outcome of the First Great Migration
  11. Briefly explain a SECOND specific outcome of the First Great Migration.
  12. Briefly explain a THIRD-specific outcome of the First Great Migration.
  13. Briefly explain ONE specific historical event that resulted from the First Great Migration.
  14. Briefly explain ONE specific difference between the First Great Migration and the Second Great Migration.
  15. Briefly explain ONE factor that pushed African Americans to join the First Great Migration.
  16. Briefly explain a SECOND factor that pushed African Americans to join the First Great Migration.
  17. Briefly explain a THIRD factor that pushed African Americans to join the First Great Migration.
  18. Briefly describe ONE perspective describing how African Americans in the early part of the 20th Century should respond to a white society that for the most part did not want to treat black people as equals.
  19. Briefly describe a SECOND perspective describing how African Americans in the early part of the 20th Century should respond to a white society that for the most part did not want to treat black people as equals.
  20. Briefly describe a THIRD perspective describing how African Americans in the early part of the 20th Century should respond to a white society that for the most part did not want to treat black people as equals

Did any of your answers to the questions appearing above include mention of:

  • Sharecropping
  • Tennant Farming
  • KKK and racial violence
  • Jim Crow Laws
  • Black Codes
  • Segregation
  • Local political tactics
  • Literacy test
  • Poll taxes
  • The 13th Amendment
  • The 14th Amendment
  • The 15th Amendment
  • The Niagara Movement
  • The Homestead Act
  • Plessy v. Ferguson
  • Separate but Equal
  • The Harlem Renaissance
  • The New Negro Movement
  • The Back to Africa Movement
  • The Oklahoma Race Riots
  • Lynchings
  • Factory jobs in the cities of the north and northeast
  • The perspective that said African Americans should first improve themselves through education, industrial training, and business ownership and that the fight for Equal rights should come later
  • The perspective that said, yes, self-improvement for African Americans was a good idea, but it should not happen at the expense of giving up immediate full citizenship rights
  • The perspective that said African Americans should develop their own separate communities or even emigrate back to Africa.



Peter Paccone

San Marino High School social studies teacher. Also the Community Outreach Manager for Class Companion and a member of the CB's AI in AP Advisory Committee.