The APUSH Student-Produced Resemblance Videos
Bite-sized bits of knowledge
An APUSH resemblance video is a video that corresponds in appearance or qualities to any of the following:
- The AP Daily videos
- The Reading Through History videos
- The Adam Norris videos
- The TED-Ed Lesson animated videos
- The Tom Richey videos
- The Sound Smart History Channel videos
Also called ‘knockoff videos,” these student-produced, 3–10 minute, bite-sized bits of knowledge should prove of great viewing-value to students enrolled in most middle school or high school US History classes.
The website found at the link below showcases a number of US History resemblance videos produced by my AP US History students over the course of the past few years.
Said AP President Trevor Packer after having viewed this website recently, “I hope many other teachers learn about this practice of yours and imitate it — it seems like such a powerful way to help students develop a strong understanding of specific topics . . .”